Embraer reveals multi-pronged sustainability plan


Embraer has set out a multi-pronged sustainability plan including carbon neutral operations by 2040 and the launch of its zero-emission eVTOL aircraft by 2026.

“At Embraer, we recognise the urgency of the climate crisis and we are fully committed to a more sustainable future. We are stepping up our efforts to minimise our carbon footprint by remaining dedicated to innovating solutions that have a broader impact for our customers, our local communities and our aircraft,” said Embraer president and CEO, Francisco Gomes Neto.

Aligned with the aviation industry’s goal of net-zero carbon emissions by 2050, Embraer said it is developing a range of products, services, and sustainable technologies, such as electrification, hybrid and sustainable aviation fuel (SAF). The company will also be offsetting any residual emissions that cannot be reduced through other means.

SAF is now available for Embraer aircraft at Melbourne Orlando International Airport, Florida with the first delivery being made on July 14th. The fuel is available thanks to partnership between the Brazilian OEM, Avfuel Corporation and Neste – the fuel’s producer.

Each truckload (approximately 8,000 gallons) of the fuel from Neste’s Houston location provides a 19.1 metric ton reduction in carbon emissions over its lifecycle. That’s the equivalent to the amount of carbon sequestered by 23.4 acres of US forests per year.

Craig Sincock, Avfuel’s president and CEO, said: “We are honoured to provide Embraer with the leading business aviation sustainability solution – SAF –and admire its resolve against climate change. By using SAF, Embraeri is not only providing for a significant reduction in carbon emissions, it’s also providing an exceptional educational opportunity to introduce operators to SAF.”

Elsewhere, Embraer has begun the flight test campaign of its electric demonstrator aircraft. The demonstrator has been developed to explore new technologies that enable 100% electric aeronautical propulsion. The aircraft conducts tests at Embraer’s facility in Gavião Peixoto, in São Paulo, Brazil.

Power, performance, control, thermal management, and operation safety were the primary features evaluated in these manned first flights.

Luis Carlos Affonso, vice president of Engineering, Technology Development and Corporate Strategy, Embraer, said: “The first flight of an aircraft is always an important milestone, and the takeoff of our first zero-emission electric aircraft also represents the relevant contribution of our teams and partners to the energy transition of the sector.”

Embraer has also launched its Social Tech programme, which brings together immersive distance training platforms, to promote professional training in technology. Embraer said it aims to provide training for 1,500 people from minority groups by 2025.

Carlos Alberto Griner, Embraer, vice president of People, ESG and Communication, said: “The demand for qualified professionals in technology is growing in the global job market, with excellent career opportunities that are often out of reach for underrepresented groups. With Social Tech, we hope to contribute to eliminating social and economic barriers. Our plan is to expand the program over the next few years to create more opportunities for minorities.”

The first Embraer Social Tech will be implemented in partnership with the Brazilian Institute of Management and Information Technology (IGTI in Portuguese), to promote professional training for People with Disabilities in data analysis.