Embraer Legacy 650: Buyer’s and Investor’s Guide

An Embraer Legacy 650 business jet in flight.
The Legacy 650 is an updated and longer-range version of the Legacy 600 and an immensely popular mid-sized business jet.
The aircraft can fly four passengers 3,900 nautical miles or eight passengers 3,840 nautical miles – around 500 nautical miles further than the Legacy 600. This means it can carry out translantic flights such as New York to London without stopping.
The Legacy 650 was announced at the 2009 NBAA show and received its certification by the FAA in February 2011, a few months after the Brazilian and EASA certification.
Although the aircraft is capable of carrying 14 passengers in high-density, six to eight passengers is a more normal load. The aircraft itself is large enough to be divided into three main passenger cabin areas, so a variety of spaces can be created. The aircraft is also fitted with a full galley and lavatory and can accommodate a flight attendant as well as the two members of the flight crew.
If you’re looking for state-of-the-art upgrades, the Legacy 650 can be fitted with Swift Broadband, video conferencing and most forms modern forms of communications.
The aircraft cabin is 49’10” in length, 6’11” wide and 6 ft high. It is powered by two Rolls-Royce AE3007A2 engines – each giving 9,020 lbs of thrust at take-off. The aircraft needs 5,741 feet to take-off and 2,855 feet of runway to land. The Legacy 650 has a certified ceiling of 41,000 feet.
The aircraft is fitted with the Honeywell Primus Elite avionics suite with LCD displays, cursor control device, Honeywell SmartRunway and SmartLanding and WAAS/LPV.
The broker’s view
Rene Banglesdorf, CEO, Charlie Bravo Aviation: “The Legacy 650 is a longer-range version of the Legacy 600 series giving it a range of 3,900 nautical miles. Embraer has introduced improvements to the Legacy 650 that refine the interior, feature a more modern cabin management system, and offer increased efficiency and aircraft operations safety. The new interior includes the Honeywell Ovation Select, all digital, cabin management system. This system is also offered on the Legacy 450/500.”
Hard Facts
Range: 4,488 miles/7,223 kms/3,900 nautical miles
Typical passengers: 8 (typical) – 14 (high density)
Typical crew: 3 (includes cabin attendant)
Cabin space: 1,650 ft3/46.7 m3
Maximum Speed: 528 mph/850 kmph/mach 0.80
Recommended cruise: 514 mph/828 kmph/mach 0.78
Competitor aircraft: Challenger 605, Falcon 2000DX, Falcon 2000EX EASy, Gulfstream G350, G450, Legacy 600
How much does a new Legacy 600 cost? $29.9m
First delivery: 2010
World Fleet: 18 (as at July 2012)
Aircraft manufacturer: Embraer
Engine manufacturer: Rolls-Royce
Engine type (number): AE3007A2 (2)
Latest News (by Terry Spruce)
19th February 2024 Mira Aviation of Isttanbul, Turkey completed a sale and delivery of a Embraer Legacy 650 Praeter to a private