Business jet and helicopter finance report 2012news Alasdair Whyte 8 Jun 12 0The business jet finance market is generally pretty strong. It has not returned to pre-2008 levels (and, possibly, may never) but there is no new… Read more
Cessna Finance Corporationnews Alasdair Whyte 8 Nov 10 0Cessna Finance Corporation has changed its strategy from trying to grow as a finance company in its own right to supporting Textron’s own products. Thomas… Read more
Leading business jet and helicopter lenders and lessorsnews Alasdair Whyte 11 May 10 0Corporate Jet Investor regularly profiles business jet and helicopter lenders. This is a list of some of the institutions we have met recently and whom… Read more
Alex Badran new international head at Bank of Americanews Alasdair Whyte 28 Mar 10 0Banc of America Leasing global corporate aircraft finance hires Alex Badran in London to grow international sales. Read more