Terminal hangar opens at Biggin Hill
New hangar is large enough for BBJ and ACJ aircraft
The new aircraft hangar alongside the Executive Terminal at London’s Biggin
Hill Airport
is complete and now available for customer use. The hangar is capable of accommodating
any aircraft up to BBJ and ACJ.
The steel construction hangar can be used for aircraft parking, servicing
or engineering maintenance work. A new
ramp adjacent to the new hangar provides improved parking arrangements close to
the Terminal, facilitating ramp services for business users.
The hangar complex incorporates a selection
of quality serviced offices that are now available for occupation. The offices
are offered on a short or long term basis for customers who need space on site
for crews carrying out engineering work, operational administration or training
The principal contractor for the hangar
project was Civils Contracting Ltd of Tunbridge Wells. Construction work was handled by John Reid
& Sons (Strucsteel) Ltd of Christchurch, Dorset.
Robert Walters, Business Development Manager,
says that the opening of the hangar facility at the Terminal represents a high
value customer service development for the airport.
Biggin Hill
Airport is now able to
house any business aircraft type up to BBJ and ACJ on a short or long term basis. Our service capability takes a large step
forward with the introduction of this hangar, concurrently offering a community
facility to all operators at Biggin Hill” he says.