TAG Global Training has gained CCTO approval from Transport Malta

TAG Aviation Cabin Crew Training from Transport Malta
Geneva – TAG Aviation announces that TAG Global Training has gained CCTO (Cabin Crew Training Organization) approval from Transport Malta. Since 2007, TAG Global Training has acquired global recognition for its excellence in pilot and cabin crew training with such success over 70 Operators worldwide entrust their crew to TAG Global Training in order to receive relevant and compliant training.
With TAG Aviation affirmed name in Aviation, TAG Global Training does not stop here, with the purpose of continual improvement, it has moved from being the first UK CAA accredited CCTO to gaining a Transport Malta CCTO approval as a post Brexit solution to offer a UK venue to train Cabin Crew at their world class facility in Farnborough Airport.
Once the students have successfully passed either the 4 day course for those with experience or the 6 day course for those that are new to the industry, they will attain an EASA Cabin Crew Attestation, which will give them the privileges to work as Cabin Crew on any aircraft registered within any European member state.
This CCTO approval certifies the confirmed excellence of TAG Global Training courses and is a great addition to the portfolio of solutions offered within the TAG Aviation group.