ExcelAire renews its industry ratings for safety


ExcelAire has renewed its ARG/US Platinum and Wyvern Wingman accreditation’s. The operator also renewed its IS-BAO Stage 2 certification and is working towards Stage 3.

ExcelAire is among the four percent of aircraft operators that have earned an AR/GUS Platinum Safety Rating, a designation that the company has held since 2012.

“At ExcelAire, we are committed to maintaining the highest standards of safety and excellence in the industry.”

“At ExcelAire, we are committed to maintaining the highest standards of safety and excellence in the industry,” said John Reese, director of Safety, Security and Standards for ExcelAire. “Our customers have the added assurance of the ARG/US Platinum, Wyvern Wingman and IS-BAO independent third party audits, further validating our high levels of excellence in operations, maintenance and safety.”

“We are also the first of 10 eligible operators in our region to become an active applicant for the FAA’s Safety Management System Voluntary Program (SMSVP). Our aggressive pursuit of full safety compliance with this new FAA standard puts us at the forefront of the aviation safety community.  We expected to be fully compliant with the FAA SMSVP by late 2017,” added Reese.