CJI podcast – Friday June 23, 2017


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…. Or, the one where we welcomed back Matt.

In this week’s podcast we welcome back Matt Taylor, our roving reporter.

Up for discussion this week is the election of the new Asian Business Aviation Association (AsBAA) chairperson, which happened the day before our Asia conference in Singapore.

CJI editor Alasdair Whyte chaired a panel between the nominees, and explains how the voting process worked, and ultimately how the new chair is.

Alasdair also talks us through our conference, mentioning the key points of discussion.

We then turn our attention to our weekly One Minute Week editorial email, where we examine the results of a business aviation perception survey that we ran.

It is now the second year in a row that we have run the survey, so we compare the two sets of results together. The results might surprise you ….