Bombardier live tweets Global 7000 updates
Bombardier’s business jet unit has taken to Twitter to share the latest updates for its upcoming Global 7000 private jet.
The company took to Twitter on Monday November 2 and tweeted an image of the Global 7000 mock-up, saying that they would be live tweeting the progress from 10:15 EST the next day.
Stay tuned for latest on the #Global7000 #bizjet program. Live-Tweeting starting tomorrow at 10:15 EST!
— Bombardier Jets (@bombardierjets) November 2, 2015
As with everything else that the company puts on Twitter, Bombardier also tweeted the announcement in French. Unlike the English version of the Tweet, the French version doesn’t mention Twitter or live Tweeting, but simply to follow the live coverage the next day. Our resident French expert (Google Translate) suggests that the literal translation for Tweet would be ‘Gazouillis’.
Just in case you were wondering, the English tweet was retweeted 24 times, whilst the French version was retweeted four times.
Stay tuned for latest on the #Global7000 #bizjet program. Live-Tweeting starting tomorrow at 10:15 EST!
— Bombardier Jets (@bombardierjets) November 2, 2015
A little bit before the advertised time the company tweeted another picture of the mock-up, sayng that the stage is set for updates on the program.
The stage is set for an update on the program that’s going to change the game in business aviation #Global7000
— Bombardier Jets (@bombardierjets) November 3, 2015
Then, 15 minutes before the start, the company tweeted that the event would start in 15 minutes time
We’ll be live Tweeting from Toronto starting in 15 minutes – stay tuned for the very latest on the #Global7000 program
— Bombardier Jets (@bombardierjets) November 3, 2015
The event kicked off with David Coleal, president, Bombardier, saying that the Global 7000 FTVs (Flight Test Vehicles) are “Assembled on the most advanced production lines in business aviation”.
“The #Global7000 FTVs are assembled on the most advanced production line in business aviation” – David Coleal
— Bombardier Jets (@bombardierjets) November 3, 2015
The next tweet says that there are over 2000 employees working on the Global 7000 program.
The tweet also includes a link to the youtube update video below:
The company says that over 2000 suggestions were incorporated into the Global 7000
2000+ customer suggestions helped shape the #Global7000 #bizjet
— Bombardier Jets (@bombardierjets) November 3, 2015
And that over 40 suppliers are working together on the program
#Global7000 Update: more than 40 suppliers working together to get the program flying
— Bombardier Jets (@bombardierjets) November 3, 2015
Back to the program progress, and Bombardier says that 10 of the GE Passport engines that power the Global 7000 are currently in testing. The company announced in September that the engines had been attached to the first prototype (FTV1)
#Global7000 Update: 10 GE Passport engines currently in testing. @GEAviation
— Bombardier Jets (@bombardierjets) November 3, 2015
As well as FTV1, there are a further three test aircraft currently in various stages of manufacture
#Global7000 Update: Great progress with 4 flight test aircraft currently in various stages of manufacturing
— Bombardier Jets (@bombardierjets) November 3, 2015
So far 35 systems have been tested with avionics, and interior manufacture is has begun for FTV4. To end with, the company tweeted a great picture of something that isn’t often seen. The ‘iron bird’ is a test bench that is used to validate vital aircraft systems, with all of the aircraft systems laid out as they would be on the actual aircraft.
#Global7000 “Aircraft Zero” test rig will never fly but is critical to safety of flight testing
— Bombardier Jets (@bombardierjets) November 3, 2015