Hangar8 admitted to AIM market in London Exchange
Executive jet company Hangar 8 is now member of the AIM on the London Stock Exchange.
Executive jet company Hangar 8
has now joined the AIM market on the London Stock Exchange.
The company has raised £2.0
million through a placing of 1.33 million ordinary shares. This represents
21.05% of the enlarged share capital of the company at admission. The market
capitalization of the company at the placing price of £1.50 per ordinary share
is £9.5 million.
Hangar 8 have plans to enlarge
their managed fleet of executive jets, currently they have 19 aircraft, of
which 15 can be leased out to third parties. The company will develop markets
around the world with plans to grow in Europe, Middle East,
Russia and in Africa. The company will issue their first half year
results in December.