Vista US sales almost triple in 2022


Vista sales have almost tripled in the US (up 185%) in the first nine months of 2022 from the same period last year.

In the group’s third quarter (Q3) update, Vista said both VistaJet and XO have grown and the US remains the strongest growth region with 64% of hours sold on VistaJet jet cards in Q3.

VistaJet’s new programme members accounted for 70% of US hours sold in Q3, which the company attributed to its acquisition of Ohio-based Jet Edge last year. Its new client memberships are now at the highest number in the history of the group.

“The US is an incredibly dynamic market and we are seeing huge growth in the region as members and new clients turn to Vista’s trusted brands and extensive global fleet for a superior end-to-end flying experience,” said Thomas Flohr, founder and chairman, Vista.

He added that the group will continue to invest in its team with plans to expand on its 4,000 staff members.

“To maintain our strong momentum, we will continue to invest in our expert team, provide greater accessibility and availability to all of our aircraft and accelerate innovations across our flying solutions to ensure our members are getting the very best value every time they choose to fly with Vista,” Flohr added.

Last month, Vista launched two new membership solutions: the VistaJet VJ25 which is designed for low-frequency travel, and the XO Membership, an all-access deposit membership service.

At the time the group said it has seen a change in the demographic of its clients, with more younger members joining and faster turnaround in contract sign-ups.

In September Vista Global secured almost $288m of Pass Through Certificates with Jefferies, with the proceeds being used to refinance a large portion of legacy Jet Edge debt.

Vista Q3 results – at a glance

  • US sales in first three quarters of 2022 up 185% compared to same period last year
  • US sales in Q3 contributed to 64% of total hours sold
  • 70% of US hours sold in Q3 from new VistaJet programme members