Piper aids AirNav in launching FBO iAPP for Avators


First 2,000 subscribers for the application will get it free when they complete an online survey

Piper Aircraft is
sponsoring the launch of AirNav.com’s new application for iTouch, iPhone and

The first 2,000
subscribers will have the option to receive an annual US$4.99 subscription to the
application for free when they complete a brief online survey from Piper
Aircraft. To subscribe to the new application go to AirNav.com, click on Apps
and follow the instructions.

“Piper welcomes
the opportunity to support the 35,000 visitors who access AirNav daily for
valuable information about FBOs, airports and surrounding areas,” said Piper
executive vice president Randy Groom. “We embrace this kind of information
sharing across all aspects of aviation because it makes flying easier, more
enjoyable and more productive.”

The new app
does not depict the entire AirNav database, nor replace flight planning
software, but it enables very quick access to some important data. The
Information on the app is pulled from the AirNav Website while connected to the
Internet, but any search can be saved to an operator’s phone for in-flight use
or while out of Internet contact.

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