Nextant will display at Dubai


Nextant Aerospace will showcase the Nextant 400XT in the static display

Nextant 400XTNextant Aerospace has announced that it will be
displaying the 400XT at the Dubai Air Show. The 400XT may be seen on display at
the Dubai Air Show static park.

This is the 400XT’s first appearance at the Dubai
Airshow, which received full Federal Aviation Administration certification this
year after a three-year development and flight testing process. The 400XT,
which saw its first deliveries last month, has a range of 3,713 km (2,005
nautical miles) with four passengers and NBAA IFR Reserves.

“We are proud to exhibit the new Nextant 400XT
at the Dubai Airshow, one of the world’s premier aviation showcases,” said
Jay Heublein, vice president, sales and marketing for Nextant Aerospace.
“The 400XT, with its exceptional range, good speed and superior
accommodations, is a perfect fit for the Middle Eastern market, providing
luxurious travel at about half the cost of competing new models. The 400XT’s
combination of performance, comfort and value will make it among the most
desirable aircraft in this market.”

Nextant also recently announced its first
international service centre at Beechcraft Augsburg, in Germany,
accessible from many Middle Eastern departure points. Nextant now has ten 400XT
authorized service centres around the world.