Gulfstream delivers 100th G600 aircraft

Gulfstream has delivered its 100th G600 aircraft, outfitted from its Dallas completions centre, to a North American customer.
It follows the company’s 100th delivery of sister aircraft G500 which took place in the second half of 2022.
“The G600 continues to redefine excellence,” said Mark Burns, president, Gulfstream. “Thanks to its highly customisable cabin, fuel-efficient design and exceptional performance capabilities, we are seeing unwavering customer demand.”
Burns added that the milestone delivery is “testament to that excellence and surging popularity”.
The G600, which had its first flight in 2016, can travel 6,600 nm (12,200km) at Mach 0.85 and has set more than 35 city pair records around the world.
The Savannah-based OEM delivered its first G600 for outfitting to the Dallas centre in April last year. It expanded its completions operations to Dallas in June 2021 in response to growing demand.
The G600 can be configured in four living areas for up to 19 passengers or three living areas with a crew compartment or for up to 13 passengers. There is also a choice of a forward or aft galley configuration.