Aviation council created to accelerate SAF use


A new organisation, Council on Sustainable Aviation Fuels Accountability (CoSAFA), has been created to accelerate business aviation’s adoption of sustainable aviation fuels (SAF).

Most SAF transactions to date have involved a limited number of SAF producers and operators, but according to the council there is increasing interest in “multiple-party purchase and deployment agreements”. CoSAFA wants to improve accounting practices documenting the production and use of SAF in such transactions – “a crucial tool for further reducing the industry’s carbon footprint” it said.

CoSAFA leadership will include representatives from the European Business Aviation Association (EBAA), International Air Transport Association (IATA), National Air Transportation Association (NATA), and the National Business Aviation Association (NBAA).

The council intends to create a system to match SAF supplies with demand, track chain of custody and use, and ensure consistency with environmental goals. The standards will then be publicly available for use by any party within the aviation sector.

Tim Obitts, CoSAFA board chairman and president, NATA, said: “SAF provides a viable means of decarbonising the majority of aviation operations both now and for the foreseeable future.

“The formation of CoSAFA is a critical step toward the aviation industry further reducing its carbon footprint and achieving its sustainability goals. The movement toward a cleaner future is continuing to gain traction and make inroads – unifying every sector of the industry. We look forward to continuing to make progress and advancements that can make a meaningful difference.”