Techdeso is appointed PC-12 service provider in Chile
Pilatus Business Aircraft appoints new Chilean company as service provider
Pilatus Business Aircraft
Ltd has recently appointed Techdeso S.A. as its newest global service partner.
Based in Santiago, Chile, Techdeso was formed recently to service the
business aviation market in this growing region.
“We are very pleased to bring Techdeso into the
family of Pilatus service partners,” stated
Thomas Bosshard, president and chief executive of Pilatus Business Aircraft.
“Wilfrid Holmes and his team bring a wealth of business aviation experience in
the Chilean market to Pilatus, and will
provide outstanding service to our customers. Appointing a Pilatus service
provider in Chile
is one more way to ensure our customers have access to world-class support
everywhere they choose to fly their aircraft.”
Wilfrid Holmes, commercial manager for Techdeso S.A. said, “We
see a great opportunity for the Pilatus PC-12 in Chile.
With the PC-12’s uniquely low acquisition and operating costs and tremendous
versatility, we anticipate considerable demand from the corporate, utility and
aeromedical market segments. Techdeso will be there to ensure their
operating experience is as Pilatus intends it – second to none.”