Gulfstream has serviced more than 40 aircraft in Beijing since November 2012


Gulfstream Aerospace is seeing steady growth for it’s Beijing service center, having serviced more than 40 aircraft, since the centre opened in November 2012.

Gulfstream Aerospace is seeing steady growth for it’s Beijing service center, having serviced more than 40 aircraft, since the centre opened in November 2012.

“We’re seeing more customers every week,” said Mark Burns, president, Gulfstream Product Support. “Our technical staff has serviced more than 40 aircraft since we began operations.  We’re not just working on aircraft at the facility; we’re sending technicians on road trips to assist operators.”

Gulfstream was the first business jet manufacturer to offer factory service in China. The investment in the facility was made because the fleet has grown to more than 105 aircraft in China and Hong Kong in recent years.

“The feedback from our customers in Asia has been very positive,” Burns said. “They appreciate us being here and the high standard of work we perform. It’s a win-win situation. We at Gulfstream understand their needs better by being near their base of operation. Our centralized support leads to lower maintenance costs for them and increased availability of their aircraft.”

Gulfstream Beijing is a joint venture between Gulfstream and two subsidiaries of Hainan Airlines Group, Hainan Aviation Technik (HNAT) and Beijing Capital Airlines Co. Ltd. (Deer Jet).

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