Satcom Direct installs first Plane Simple antenna in Latin America

Ahead of LABACE Satcom Direct has announced the first installation of a Plane Simple Ku-band antenna on a Brazilian jet.
The terminal was installed on a Gulfstream G550 in July, making it the first executive jet to use SD’s advanced antenna technology in Latin America. It will also added to the same owner’s G450 early next year.
Three additional Brazil-registered G550s are scheduled for installations before the end of 2023, and SD Brazil has a backlog of orders for 2024.
Ewerton Libanio, managing director for SD Brazil, said, “SD is raising the connectivity bar with this new purpose-built class of antenna for the business aviation sector. Our clients in this region have been eagerly waiting for a simplified, high-speed data solution, and we are already delighted to hold orders for next year. More importantly, we are giving customers greater flexibility, cost-effective connectivity options, and a single resource to fulfill every connectivity need for those flying within Latin America and around the globe.”
Connected with the Intelsat FlexExec high throughput satellite network, passengers can expect consistently reliable connectivity, according to SD Brazil. The antenna installation involves fitting two-line replaceable units, the tail-mounted antenna and the SD modem unit.
Brazil’s Agência Nacional de Aviação Civil, ANAC, has released an STC for the Plane Simple Ku-band terminal for the Gulfstream G550 installation as well as for GIV, GIV-X, G450, GV and GV-SP types. ANAC has also issued an STC for Dassault F2000LX/LXS, F900EX/LX and Falcon 7X models.
The jet installation follows the equipping of a Brazilian-registered Embraer EMB-110 for operator Fototerra, which uses the technology to transmit coastal images in real-time.