NBAA joins other industry groups opposing new taxes and user fees
Industry is united in opposition to new tax and fees proposals
The National Business Aviation Association
(NBAA) has joined with 26 leading aviation and labour associations representing
virtually the entire US
aviation industry to strongly oppose new or increased taxes and fees on
aviation as part of the White House proposal to address the nation’s deficit
and jobs crisis.
The 26 organisations have signed a joint
letter that was sent to the leadership in the House and Senate, as well as the
12 federal legislators on the new “Super Committee” charged with
finding deficit reduction solutions. The letter urges lawmakers to reject
adding fees and taxes onto an industry that represents more than 5.6 percent of
the nation’s GDP and supports 11 million jobs.
“Earlier this week, NBAA joined with
eight leading general aviation associations in a statement calling the user fee
proposal in the president’s plan ill-conceived and counterproductive,”
said NBAA president and chief executive officer Ed Bolen. “Today we are
pleased to join with dozens of other major aviation groups in a strong showing
of united opposition to more fees. Of particular importance to NBAA Members,
the $100 per-flight user fee in the president’s plan would create an onerous
new administrative burden and necessitate the creation of a costly new
fee-collection bureaucracy.
“We will continue to urge the President
to stop singling out general aviation for punitive treatment, given that our
industry is a major driver of economic growth and job creation in America,”
Bolen added.