Jet Aviation Hong Kong takes delivery of spares
Hong Kong takes delivery of spare parts from Dassault Falcon
Jet Aviation Hong Kong
recently received a vast assortment of aircraft spares from Dassault Falcon.
To enhance customer
maintenance support for all Dassault Falcon customers in the region, Jet
Aviation Hong Kong is working with Dassault Falcon to build an inventory of
spare parts at its facility. The company has already accepted a large shipment
of spares on consignment.
“In developing an on-site
consignment store, we improve our ability to provide timely maintenance
services, which in turn reduces aircraft downtime and ultimately serves to
increase operators’ aircraft utilization,” says Nigel Parker, managing director
at Jet Aviation Hong Kong.
Christof Späth, senior vice
president of MRO & FBO Services in EMEA & Asia, adds, “Ready access to
spares is of benefit to all of our Dassault Falcon customers in the region and
adds great value to our global MRO network.”