ITC-AeroLeasing adds another PC-12 to its Air Ambulance fleet

Pilatus PC-12 45 medevac
ITC-AeroLeasing recently added another Pilatus PC-12 single engine turboprop to its leased fleet. The newly added EMS configured PC-12 will perform vital medical evacuation flights in the United States, strengthening the services provided by a leading air and ground medical transportation company.
This latest transaction follows the successful completion of eleven air ambulance lease deals in Q1 and Q2 of 2020. These transactions included six Pilatus PC-12s, three Airbus Helicopters H130s, and two Airbus Helicopters H125s, as announced in April this year.
The Pilatus PC-12 is known as the bestselling single-engine turboprop for passenger/cargo transportation in its class and has proven to be a reliable and affordable asset for safe patient transportation.
“We have leased PC-12s for almost as long as the aircraft have been on the market and they currently comprise fifteen units within our leased portfolio. As a leasing company, we are committed to meeting the needs of our clients and offer assets that bring long term benefits to our clients and investors alike.” said Mirika Nakayama, President and CEO of ITC.
This recently delivered medically equipped PC-12 will be in service immediately, further bolstering the operator’s capacity to serve their communities.