Gulfstream confirms Minsheng Leasing’s 50 aircraft MOU


Gulfstream has told stock analysts that it has signed a 50 aircraft memorandum of understanding with Minsheng. Corporate Jet Investor reported the story five days before Gulfstream's official briefing.

Gulfstream has told stock analysts that it has signed a 50 aircraft memorandum of understanding with Minsheng. Corporate Jet Investor reported the story five days before Gulfstream’s official briefing.

Gulfstream says the MOU is for 50 aircraft. Officials close to the negotiations say it is for 30 orders with 20 options to acquire more.

Because it is not a firm order it will not be listed in Gulfstream’s orders and will only be confirmed over the next three to five years

Audio: Zhang Bo, vice president, Minsheng Financial Leasing speaking at International Corporate Jet & Helicopter Finance