Flexjet’s early Christmas present


Operating aircraft in Europe is tough. Especially right now. European fleets have decreased in size, and the number of business aviation flights has also fallen.

It takes a brave company to set up in Europe right now. But this is exactly what Flexjet are doing. Flexjet is acquiring an AOC and has hired Ray Jones, former SVP Sales at Bombardier, to spearhead the new operation.

Once the AOC acquisition is completed, Flexjet will start building up its fleet of aircraft. Aircraft will initially be based in London, Paris and two further cities that the company has yet to select. Eight Nextant 400XTi aircraft are expected to be in place before the end of the year.

Flexjet believe that they have a ready market through their customers already flying into Europe. The company operates a program called Global Access which gives customers access to operators in Europe, so for Flexjet coming to Europe is the next logical step.

That is not to say that they do not think it is going to be a challenge. Far from it. But there is an excitement amongst the team that is hard not to buy into.

Jones himself, a few days before the announcement described it as being like a child at Christmas and seeing a present with your name on it, but knowing that you cannot yet open it.

And that was just about the announcement.

NOTE: The above originally appeared as the editorial in our Corporate Jet Investor One Minute Week newsletter. To find out more, and sign up for free, please click here.