ExecuJet Europe to move key department to Cambridge


The aircraft operations department will be moved from Zurich to Cambridge during the second quarter 2012

Cedric Mignon and Archie GardenExecuJet Europe
has announced that it is to further strengthen its presence at its new UK home. The
business aviation company plans to relocate its aircraft operations department
from Zurich to Cambridge during the second quarter of 2012,
while, at the same time, retaining resources at its headquarters to run its
Swiss AOC.

Photograph (left) Cedric Mignon, managing director, ExecuJet Europe and (right) Archie Garden, airport director, Cambridge Airport standing outside ExecuJet Cambridge

“We recognise
the value and flexibility of this sizeable new facility in the UK
which has great potential to help develop and strengthen our European business
further.” Business aviation in the UK has traditionally been a very
important market especially in terms of medium size and large business aircraft
registered, generating over 30% of business aviation employment in the EU.
“Bolstering our presence in the UK
is a logical next step for us,” explains Cedric Migeon, managing director
ExecuJet in Europe. “In striving to keep our
business ahead of the game, we must take full advantage of opportunities
available, while keeping a firm eye on the current economic situation in Europe. In reducing some of our costs and using the
excellent resources we have in Cambridge,
we will be gaining a competitive advantage in the market.”

Some positions
will be moved from Zurich to Cambridge,
but the company’s European Headquarters, as well as ExecuJet Aviation Group’s
Headquarters will remain in Zurich.

“Cambridge Airport
is excited that ExecuJet has decided to expand its presence here. We
applaud them for their foresight in recognising what we are building up here at
the airport,” said Cambridge airport director Archie Garden.