Cessna reports high interest in Latitude


Company reports high interest in Asia for the new Citation and announces increased maximum range

Cessna Aircraft has said at ABACE that the company is seeing high levels of interest from Asia around the Citation Latitude, scheduled to enter service in 2015.

Speaking at ABACE, Bill Harris, Cessna’s vice president, sales for Asia and Asia Pacific, said: “Overall demand for light and mid-size business jets in Asia is undoubtedly increasing, and we are finding customers eager for deliveries ‘now’ rather than later. We are seeing particularly high levels of interest from customers who, for example, already own or operate a mid-size Cessna Citation such as the Citation XLS+ and are planning their future purchases. The Citation Latitude represents a logical next step to a new, more advanced Citation and, like the Citation XLS+, offers a high residual value.”

Harris also noted the Asian market’s interest in the new 15% range extension for the Citation Latitude. The specifications of the Citation Latitude have been revised to increase maximum range from 2,000 to 2,300 nautical miles (3,704 to 4,259.6km). “The Latitude offers non-stop flights between many major regional and domestic city pairs in Asia, including Beijing-Haikou, Beijing-Hong Kong and Hong Kong or Shenzhen-Seoul.”

Announced in October 2011, designed for a crew of two plus up to eight passengers, the aircraft will cost US$14.9 million at 20111 prices.