Market analysis: The recovery is here, but not yet for Cessna

Following on from yesterday’s post looking at how different manufacturers have reacted to the downturn, it is worth just splitting out deliveries for just Bombardier, Dassault, Embraer and Gulfstream. For them, the downturn is over.
If you include Cessna, it looks very different:
There has been a lot of talk about the bifurcation of the business jet market (although in fact this is because the US economy has bifurcated) and we believe the key measure is small business confidence.
The important thing to note is that although light jets fall fastest in a downturn they typically recover fastest. Although, pessimists may say we may be due for another dip before this happens this time.
Core topicsAircraft Business/Industry
TopicsAircraft Deliveries Data
OrganisationsBombardier Cessna Dassault Embraer