Bombardier says that Paris was very successful week


Company secured US$4.7 billion in new orders, including over a billion dollars for new Global 7000 and 8000 business aircraft

Bombardier Aerospace has announced that it
wrapped up a very successful week at the Paris Air Show with up to US$4.7
billion in firm orders, options and purchase rights for its CSeries airliner and large cabin Global 7000 and Global 8000 business aircraft.

“The Paris Air Show has been a resounding
success for Bombardier,” said Guy C. Hachey, president and chief operating officer,
Bombardier Aerospace. “Apart from strong sales on both sides of the business,
we’ve enjoyed the opportunity to showcase our products and engage in productive
meetings with all of our stakeholders from across the industry and around the
world. After only 25 years in aviation, we have emerged as an industry leader
in product innovation. Our customer-centric focus is at the heart of our
business strategy and is what will propel us to forefront of the market.”

Bombardier confirmed firm orders for its
newest business aircraft during the air show. Vistajet, an industry leader in
luxury aviation, which exclusively purchases and operates Bombardier business
aircraft, placed a firm order for 10 Global
8000 jets. This latest order raises VistaJet’s order backlog value to
approximately US$2 billion. AVWest, a large Australian corporate jet operator,
placed overall firm orders for four Global
7000 and two Global
8000 jets, two of which were placed earlier this year. The total value
for these multiple Global
aircraft orders is over US$1.0 billion, based on the 2011 list price for
typically equipped aircraft.

“We had an excellent show, as supported by
the announcements of 16 Global aircraft
firm orders,” said Steve Ridolfi, president, Bombardier Business Aircraft.
“Reception of the new Global 7000
and Global 8000 jets has been
phenomenal, the expanded Global
aircraft family has resonated extremely well in the market place, and we’ve
seen tremendous growth in the entire Global
aircraft product line as a result of our strategy.”

Bombardier had four business aircraft in the
static display at the Paris
show, a Learjet 60 XR, Challenger 300, Challenger 850 and Global 6000.

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