Bombardier opens Bangalore engineering service office


Company announced the official opening of new engineering service office in India

Bombardier Aerospace
announced the official inauguration of its engineering service office in Bangalore, India.
The Bombardier engineering service office began operation in December 2011 and
currently employs approximately 20 people.

The new office will have approximately 50 aerospace engineers by the end of
2013, will support Bombardier Aerospace’s in-production and in-development
aircraft programmes.

“Bombardier Aerospace is a truly global company with customers, partners
and suppliers the world over, and it is essential to the success of our
business that we grow our presence in the international markets,” said
Jean Seguin, vice president, quality, achieving excellence system, engineering
and manufacturing, Bombardier Aerospace. “This group of highly skilled
engineers will support projects related to our in-development and current
aircraft programs while strengthening our already successful relationships with
our partners at Mahindra-Satyam, Tata Consultancy Services and Capgemini. This
continued investment in the region will allow us to take advantage of local
expertise in a market that is becoming increasingly important to

Bombardier predicts that over the next 20 years, a total of 1,330 business jet
deliveries are destined for India,
and that the Asia-Pacific region (including China).

Additionally, to offer its customers the highest level of support as close as
possible to their operational bases, Bombardier established a regional support
office in Mumbai in 2010. It was the first office in the Bombardier customer
services network to support both business and commercial aircraft in one