First Learjet 60 XR and Challenger 850 Jets Delivered in China


Bombardier delivers first Learjet 60XR and Challenger 850 to China. Lily Jet will manage the Challenger 850 on behalf of Benshan Media Group.

Bombardier Aerospace delivered its first Learjet 60 XR and Challenger 850 jets to customers based in mainland China in March.

“The milestone deliveries mark another important step in Bombardier’s growing presence in China, said Ray Jones, vice president, International Sales, Bombardier Business Aircraft. “Bombardier’s growing fleet of Learjet, Challenger and Global aircraft in the region speaks to the tremendous opportunities offered by this dynamic market.”

The owner of the Learjet has not been disclosed. Benshan Zhao, a well known entertainer, bought the Challenger 850. The aircraft will be managed by Lily Jet and will be available for charter when not in use by the Benshan Media Group.

“I believe this will be a great investment of Benshan Media Group,” said Zhao. “It was through Lily Jet that I first became aware of the qualities of this aircraft, including its reliability and the potential the cabin provides for increased productivity in transit. It really is a valuable business tool.”

The announcement that Zhao is the owner of the aircraft is a sign of how business jets are being accepted in China. In September 2009 the Civil Aviation Administration of China, China’s aviation regulator, reduced the the lead time for flight plan filing from 6 days to 3 hours, though only for Chinese-registered business aircraft. 

The Learjet was delivered on March 5 with the Challenger 850 delivered on March 26. Bombardier delivered its first Global 5000 jet for operation in mainland China in July 2009. Both the Learjet 60 XR and Challenger 850 jets are Type Certificated by the Civil Aviation Administration of China.