V V Difficult Projectopinion Alasdair Whyte 6 Jun 16 0The star of the static display at EBACE was the first Boeing 787-8BJ VVIP aircraft (one V is not enough). It also marked the end… Read more
V V Difficult Projectnews Alasdair Whyte 6 Jun 16 0The star of the static display at EBACE was the first Boeing 787-8BJ VVIP aircraft (one V is not enough). It also marked the end… Read more
Wadick Chomyszyn, CEO of SGI Aviation, has diednews CJI Expert 20 Aug 14 0SGI Aviation pays tribute to its late CEO, Wadick Chomyszyn. Wadick Chomyszyn, CEO of SGI Aviation, has sadly passed away from a heart attack, suffered… Read more