The CJI Interview – George Tsopeis, ZenithJet

During NBAA-BACE, CJI spent some time with George Tsopeis of ZenithJet, to talk about how important it is to appoint a completions expert when ordering a new aircraft.
Based in Canada, ZenithJet oversees completions on Global family and other aircraft types. So far it has looked after more than 100 Global aircraft deliveries and refurbishments.
In the video, Tsopeis explains how a completions expert can help, and gives a case study of an aircraft ZenithJet worked on with a faulty coffee maker. The coffee maker on an aircraft can cost between $30,000 and $40,000 due to its build for certification purposes.
Tsopeis also takes the time to explain why it is important to get the completions specialists involved in the project as early as possible.
You can watch the full video below. If you are unable to view it on YouTube, you can click the following link to watch the interview on YouKu.