Richard Skipper, DLA Piper


Richard has acted for a wide spectrum of clients including national and regional airlines, banks and arrangers and on a full range of aircraft financings ranging from secured loan facilities, domestic and cross-border aircraft leases and tax-driven leasing to operating leases and sale and leasebacks.


Richard has acted for a wide spectrum of clients including national and regional airlines, banks and arrangers and on a full range of aircraft financings.

Richard Skipper

Richard Skipper
Senior Associate
DLA Piper
+44 (0)20 7796 6693
[email protected]


Richard’s advice

“Planning and timing are the most important factors. An assessment before the start of a transaction of all the high level issues, both commercial and logistical, is vital. If you are aware of these points it will allow you to formulate a realistic and achievable closing date and timetable. A deal will close if all parties appreciate the timetable that has been set out, the requirements to ensure it can be realistically achieved and both parties have advisors capable of managing these aspects to keep the process moving at the pace required. An efficient well managed transaction which is realistically timetabled will also result in lower transaction costs.”

“You need to avoid pushing parties on unrealistic timetables. Corporate jet transactions often involve multiple parties and jurisdictions which may not be as au fait as you and your counsel as to the matters which are required to successfully close a corporate jet transaction. Third parties – which may be essential to some aspects of the transaction – may also not be as motivated to complete their particular tasks as you are. Appreciating these nuances and using advisors with extensive experience, contacts, good industry relationships and management skills will keep everyone moving forward in the same direction as opposed to potentially causing friction, delays and increased costs.”


“My first experience of aviation was working as a trainee in Singapore for 4 months. This was followed by a stint working in aviation litigation after which I qualified into the aviation structured asset finance team at Norton Rose in 2004. In 2014 I moved to DLA Piper.”

Official biography

Richard has acted for a wide spectrum of clients including national and regional airlines, banks and arrangers and on a full range of aircraft financings ranging from secured loan facilities, domestic and cross-border aircraft leases and tax-driven leasing to operating leases and sale and leasebacks.