New leadership forum discusses opportunities for women within aviation


Attracting, retaining and promoting women within general aviation is the theme of a new leadership forum being held at the end of this month.

The International Aviation Women’s Association is running its inaugural general aviation leadership forum at the Boca Raton Airport, Florida, on 25 January.

The event will focus on the opportunities for growth within the sector, with particular emphasis on “attracting, retaining and promoting women in aviation”, said an IAWA spokeswoman. Among the speakers will be thought leaders in behavioural intelligence, innovation and regulatory affairs, and pioneering women pilots, and there will be a series of roundtable discussions about how women in aviation can encourage and empower one another.

“Research shows companies are more profitable when they have diversity in decision-making, leadership and mentoring,” said René Banglesdorf, CEO of Charlie Bravo Aviation and vice president of communications at the IAWA.

“Until now, general aviation has shirked intentional discussions about increasing women’s involvement in the industry. No more. We’ve put together an agenda filled with industry influencers to talk about how women can help avert the coming pilot and mechanic shortages and revitalise interest in our industry.”

More information is available on the IAWA website.

Three days later, on 28 January, women working in business aviation in the UK will be able to network in London, as part of this year’s Corporate Jet Investor conference. The two-hour Women in Business Aviation reception kicks off the two-day conference, which is being held at the Landmark Hotel, and is free for women conference delegates

Email Louisa Whyte at [email protected] if you would like to attend the Women in Business Aviation reception.