Jet Logistics gains Cuba medevac approval


map of Cuba

Jet Logistics Inc has secured US Government and FAA Op-Specs approval for outbound transport of patients from Cuba for purposes of emergency (non-elective) medical evacuations.

The certification is specifically related to the company’s AirEMS air medical division.

ALSO READ: Air Ambulance Caribbean selects Jet Logistics as aviation partner

W. Ashley Smith, Jr., founder and president of the Jet Logistics Group, said: “This Cuba Ops certification allows us to provide additional service to the air medical industry, and is another example of the highly specialized operational and logistics expertise that Jet Logistics delivers for our AirEMS clients.”

“Our company’s certifications, and ability to develop and secure such capabilities, reinforce the superior level of service we provide air medical service providers, compared to a vast majority of the other typical charter operators in the marketplace.”