Global 7000 works towards flight test centre transfer


The Global 7000 arrives back at Toronto Downsview following its successful first flight (Photo: Frederick K. Larkin)

Bombardier are working towards transferring Global 7000 FTV1 to the company’s Wichita flight test centre as soon as possible.

FTV1 flew for the first time on November 4, performing a two hour and 27 minute test flight that tested all flight control systems. After completing all tests the aircraft performed a fly-by of the Downsview facility with its gear up before landing.

Since then the aircraft has flown three additional flights, with Bombardier saying they are noticing a high level of system maturity with the aircraft already.

FTV1 is now working towards being transferred to the manufacturers flight test centre at Wichita, with Bombardier saying that they are expecting this should happen before the end of the year.

As well as FTV1, Bombardier say they currently have an interior test rig set up that can simulate actual conditions that the fuselage will be subjected to in flight. This uses real flight data taken directly from FTV1s test flights.

The company has also commissioned a second test rig, which will be used to test cabin systems integration.

Bombardier say that the $72.8 million Global 7000 is scheduled to enter service in 2018.

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