Franco Campomori, Campomori – Aviation & Law


A specialist Italian business jet and helicopter lawyer.

LEADING LAWYER DIRECTORY – Franco Campomori, Campomori – Aviation & Law

A specialist Italian business jet and helicopter lawyer.

Franco CampomoriPartner
Lugano, Switzerland
+41 91 220 4941
[email protected]

Franco’s advice

Make sure that regardless of costs and available structures, tax soundness remains a priority. You should avoid pushing private owners into any structures or jurisdictions which they are not comfortable with.


I got into aviation as a private pilot and asset finance partner at Freshfields in 2003. I then grew into the industry (business aviation in particular) and was eventually invited to become a board member of the Italian Business Aviation Association, with activities also outside the strict legal field. My aviation practice grew in parallel and by 2011 I decided to set set-up my aviation advisory and law firm.

Official biography

Mr. Campomori is an Italian law attorney with extensive infrastructure and aviation experience. He holds an LLM in Law of International Finance at King’s College London.

Between 1995 and 2006, he has been working in London and Milan in first tier International law firms, where he has also been a partner. He is a board member of the Italian Business Aviation Association and holds a JAR private pilot license. He is a Swiss resident since 2006.