CJI Five Minute Week – Friday August 25, 2017


… Or, the one where Matt needs to learn to sit up straight!

In the roundup this week, we talk a lot about VistaJet, which just secured a $200 million investment from Rhône Capital.

The real news is that the investment values VistaJet at $2.5 billion, making the company one of the exclusive Unicorn Club members.

“With the investment announced today, the equity valuation in excess of $2.5 billion and our fully scalable technology driven business model, VistaJet is ideally placed to take advantage of the opportunities to shape the market as it further develops in the years to come,” said Thomas Flohr, founder and chairman of VistaJet.

Also up for discussion is the recent solar eclipse over the US. NASA modified one of its Gulfstream III research aircraft to be able to film live video, and several business aviation companies offered seats on flights to see the eclipse from the air.

Finally, the aircraft of the week kept the VistaJet theme going, and we chose Global 6000 9H-VJV. This was the aircraft that Vistajet sent out to the ABACE show in Shanghai earlier in the year. It is also the aircraft that VistaJet had at Farnborough the following week for the launch of VistaJet direct.

Several of the team went to the launch, so look out for the next video, when we talk through the company’s latest offering.

You can view this week’s video below, or click here to view directly on YouTube.