Bestfly seeks Aruba AOC
Angola-based operator Bestfly is currently undertaking the certification testing needed to gain an Aruba Air Operators Certificate (AOC).
Once awarded, Bestfly will become the first Angola company to receive an AOC from Aruba.
“This is an important milestone for us and we are very pleased to have achieved it. Our clients that own aircrafts can now place their aircraft in the charter market with the aim of off-setting ownership costs. We anticipate an increase in activity as a result.” said Nuno Pereira, managing director, Bestfly.
The company was formed in 2009 with its main base at Luanda’s Quatro de Fevereiro International Airport. It has a fleet of 13 aircraft, including those under management.
In April 2015 Bestfly became the first business aviation company in Angola to achieve IS-BAO (International Standard for Business Aviation Operators) Stage 1.
“We are thrilled to welcome Bestfly into our registry as a commercial operator, they have been a long time reputable operator at the registry under private operation and we are pleased to see how their organization has expanded and grown as well as honored that they chosen the Aruban P4 registry to fulfill this new chapter.” said Jorge Colindres, CEO and Chairman, The Registry of Aruba.