Duncan Aviation adds contemporary touches to Challenger 605 cabin


Duncan Aviation Challenger 605 finished interior

Lincoln, NEB — Duncan Aviation is pleased to announce that its Multimedia Designer Ken Reita has designed new drink rails and updated the seat design using new seat frames for a Challenger 605 customer. These two enhancements added visual appeal and gave the entire interior of the 605 a sleek, contemporary look that can be repeated in any Challenger 605 cabin.

This particular aircraft had some ornate trim features and design details that dated the interior. The customer was hoping to incorporate a brushed satin silver trim to replace the older cove molding on the drink rails.

After discussions with the customer, Reita and Sales Representative Adam Bruce pulled together a team of Modifications specialists to add more contemporary design elements. Based on their discussions, Reita produced 3D renderings of the proposed design to give the customer an idea of how great of an impact the two relatively small changes—the new drink rails and updated seat design–would make.

“This customer wanted to improve the aesthetic look and feel of the cabin without being wasteful,” says Reita. “Many of our customers come to us with design ideas and ask how they can achieve a specific look.”

Reita put the 3D renderings on a screen and the customer was impressed and pleased to see that the changes would make a huge difference in the cabin.

“Let’s face it, any time we can delight a customer with new interior features, we’re thrilled,” says Reita. “Whether we’re getting creative and performing a few updates or doing a nose-to-tail redesign, we want our customers to be happy with the transformation of their aircraft.”

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