Chinese business jet buyers no longer need government approval for B- aircraft


China’s CAAC has abolished a rule stating that Chinese buyers needed to gain government approval before buying and registering business jets on the local B- registry.

The change in rules, which affects both new and pre-owned sales, came into effect on March 3, 2017.

Chinese buyers previously had to go through a lengthy two to five month process every time they wanted to buy an aircraft and register it in China.

The process had to be repeated every time a company or individual wanted to introduce an aircraft

As well as affecting new aircraft, the previous rules also applied to pre-owned aircraft, as well as general aviation aircraft.

Business aviation brokers in Asia say that the change in rules will make it quicker and easier for Chinese buyers to acquire aircraft.

The move is the latest in the government’s drive to stimulate general aviation growth within China.

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Under the country’s 13th Five-year plan, approved in March 2016, the country highlighted general aviation as a priority area for growth.

As well as supporting local industries, China will look to accelerate the opening of its low level airspace.

The airspace under 10,000 feet is controlled by the air force, and is slowly opening up to civilian operations.

As part of an announcement in May 2016, China agreed to open up low level airspace to general aviation, as well as well as speeding up the process of applying for flight plan authorisation.

Small scale trails were due to begin around the Guangdong and Hainan provinces during 2016, with a nationwide roll out due in 2018.

The military’s tight control of airspace is seen as one of the biggest barriers of growth in the country for business and general aviation.

China is predicting that the number of small aircraft will grow up to 5,000 by the end of 2020.

To help with the increase in the number of aircraft the government has said it will build up to 500 new airports.