Bombardier Global 7500 gets Transport Canada nod


Global 7500

Transport Canada, the Canadian transport authority, has given the Bombardier Global 7500 its type certificate.

Certification from the US Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and the European Aviation Safety Authority (EASA) are expected shortly.

Bombardier says that the first customer aircraft will be delivered before the end of 2018.

“The certification of our clean-sheet Global 7500 business jet is a defining moment for Bombardier, for our employees and for the industry, as we approach entry-into-service,” said David Coleal, president, Bombardier Business Aircraft. “Thanks to the rigour and innovation of our design and test program, the Global 7500 aircraft has succeeded in elevating every standard by which a business jet is measured – comfort, luxury, performance and a smooth ride. At entry-into-service, this aircraft will meet the latest and all of the most stringent certification requirements and is set to redefine international business jet travel. We couldn’t be more proud of this achievement.”

The Global 7500, renamed from the Global 7000 in May this year to fall in-line with Bombardier’s new naming convention, is the largest and furthest-flying purpose-built business jet available in the market.

The aircraft was originally announced in October 2010, alongside its smaller sibling the Global 8000.

The original schedule called for the first delivery in 2016, however, this was pushed back by two years, with Bombardier deciding to go back to the drawing board to redesign the wing.

Although the original specs suggested that the aircraft could fly for a maximum of 7,300 nmi (13,500 km), this was later increased to 7,700 nmi 14,300 km).

“Thanks to Bombardier’s latest advancements in airframe and wing design, the Global 7500 aircraft exceeded its original take-off and landing performance commitments, leading to a new published take-off distance of 5,800 feet,” said Michel Ouellette, senior vice president, Global 7500 and Global 8000 Program, Bombardier Business Aircraft. “This improved take-off performance distance is almost 500 feet shorter than the closest – and smaller – competitor aircraft, and enables the Global 7500 business jet to operate out of airports with shorter runways — all while offering Bombardier’s signature smooth ride.”