Black mail


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NOTE: The below originally appeared as the editorial in our November 27 One Minute Week newsletter. To find out more, and sign up for free, please click here.


It is a little known historic fact but after celebrating the first Thanksgiving the Pilgrims then chose to sleep queuing outside an orchard. At 8am the next day they then fought over the windfall apples. It was the start of a great tradition.

Hundreds of years later, Black Friday has also spread to the UK and other markets.  Originally named by Philadelphia traffic cops it is now coming online. But business aviation is one of the few markets where it has not caught on. Until now.

“We are offering a buy one aircraft, get one free offer,” says Steve Varsano, founder of The Jet Business, the London showroom. “Buy a G650, get a Lear 35.”

Varsano is, of course, joking and he was not disappointed not to see hundreds of waiting customers when his showroom opened this morning.

But as values have fallen in 2015, business aviation is becoming more affordable.

“Although new deliveries are not rising, four times as many pre-owned trades take place and the fleet is growing. New people are coming into the market. There are pockets of growth,” says Varsano. He does not think values will rise quickly. “Airplane values are meant to fall and there is a lot of product – new and used – available so it will continue to happen.”

Varsano adds: “This means that every day is Black Friday in business aviation.”