Apple decides CEO must travel by private jet


Apple has decided that its current CEO Tim Cook, must travel by private jet for all his business and personal flights.

In documents filed with the US Securities Commision, Apple said that it had made the policy “in the interests of security and efficiency”.

According to the SEC filing, Cook’s travel expenses totaled $93,109 in 2017, with an additional $224,216 spent on security.

Apple’s previous CEO Steve Jobs owned a Gulfstream V registered as N2N (MSN 586). The aircraft had been owned by Apple, but in its 2000 annual report the company says it was given to Jobs as a bonus.

Following his death in 2011, Jobs’ widow sold the aircraft to Apple’s senior vice president of design Jony Ive.

Apple later took delivery of Gulfstream G650 MSN 6053, but this is due to be replaced soon by MSN 6298.

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