Airbus completes first ACJ319 sharlet retrofit


Airbus Corporate Jets has completed the first Sharklet winglet retrofit onto an ACJ319.

The European manufacturer managed the the project on behalf of Comlux, with the work being completed by TAP Maintenance and Engineering.

Retrofitting Sharklet winglets onto an ACJ319 could save up to 4% on long journeys, as well as giving an extra range boost.

“Comlux has always been a leader in Airbus corporate jets, and our Sharklet retrofit highlights our innovative approach to offering customers one of the world’s most modern and handsome corporate jet fleets,” said Richard Gaona, chairman and CEO, Comlux.

Airbus say that the sharklet modification can be added to any of the A320 family aircraft from serial number 1200.

“Airbus has a reputation for innovative solutions and long-term relationships in the airliner world, so it’s great to have the opportunity to echo that with this one with Sharklets in corporate jets, with a leader such as Comlux,” said Benoit Defforge, managing director, Airbus Corporate Jets.