Air BP launches new RocketRoute fuel app


Air BP RocketRoute fuel app

Air BP has launched a brand new way of buying fuel – the RocketRoute fuel App. The app, which has been developed in conjunction with RocketRoute, streamlines the fuel purchasing process for the international general aviation sector.

It is designed for the global operator and pilot community, and is offered to anyone with a fuel requirement, not just current Air BP customers. It is available immediately, free-of-charge, from the Apple store for iPads, or from the RocketRoute website for all other devices.

A simplified payment process allows all customers to pay with either an Air BP Sterling Card, or a regular credit card. Existing Air BP customers can also access their own personal accounts.

Air BP anticipates that the growing number of aviators who want to reduce their carbon impact will welcome the carbon offsetting function of the app. The feature, managed by BP Target Neutral, BP’s not-for-profit initiative, allows customers to offset the greenhouse gas emissions associated with the fuel purchased. This offset will be offered free of charge until the end of 2016.

The RocketRoute fuel App is the first in a collection of trip planning applications that will be added to the RocketRoute platform to simplify aviation operations.

“Fuel is the most basic of necessities for flight, and together with RocketRoute we are making fuel purchasing an easier process.”

Norbert Kamp, chief commercial officer, Air BP said: “Fuel is the most basic of necessities for flight, and together with RocketRoute we are making fuel purchasing an easier process. This is the first part of a much broader product offering we are developing with RocketRoute. As we add more services to the platform the whole will become greater than the sum of the parts; our ambition is to create a powerful digital marketplace for the aviation community.”

Kurt Lyall, co-founder RocketRoute added: “We have had our heads down working closely with Air BP over the last twelve months to develop an app that aviators from around the globe will find appealing and love to use. We have learned a lot in the design process about what customers need. We want to build on this to transform the face of online trip planning by creating a transparent, efficient, attractive set of services that are easily accessible at competitive pricing.”

This latest news follows Air BP’s announcement in April that it had acquired a small stake in RocketRoute.  Air BP started working with RocketRoute in 2014 to incorporate information about Air BP’s worldwide fuel network.