2Excel Engineering gains CAA Approval for Part 147 training


2Excel Engineering gains Part 147

2Excel Engineering has secured an UK Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) Part 147 approval for licensed engineer training. Under its new approval, number UK 147.0147, 2Excel Engineering’s Part 66 Engineer Training School can now conduct B1 and B2 type rating courses for the Boeing 727 series and King Air 200 series aircraft at its Hampshire base at Lasham Airfield.

Certification represents a milestone in the company’s commitment to nurturing and developing highly skilled professionals in the aerospace industry, it said. With this new accreditation, 2Excel Engineering can train its own licensed engineers.

Mark Caswell, chief  executive, 2Excel Engineering’s  said: “This is another remarkable development in the approvals suite of 2Excel Engineering, giving us the ability to train our own licensed engineers to the highest level, helping the company to remain resilient for the long-term.” He added: “This achievement not only serves as a powerful tool for recruiting new talent but will also play a pivotal role in retaining existing employees by providing them with valuable career development opportunities and expanding their skill sets.”

2Excel’s Part 147 accreditation is linked to the company’s apprenticeship scheme that supports the progression of a new generation of trainee aerospace engineers. By developing the next generation and offering additional qualifications, 2Excel Engineering aims to enhance the quality of its workforce at Lasham and providing career advancement opportunities for staff, ultimately boosting their earning potential through relevant type ratings.

See-Wing Law,  training manager, 2Excel Engineering led the project. “It was the collective efforts of the entire team that resulted in this achievement,” she said. 

2Excel Engineering’s accomplishment in achieving CAA approval for new Part 147 training underscores its dedication to delivering exceptional services, nurturing talent, and driving innovation in the aerospace industry, said the company.