Western Aircraft completes first LEP on PC-12

Pilatus PC-12
Western Aircraft, based in Boise, ID is the first Pilatus authorised service centre in the United States to complete a life extension program (LEP) on a Pilatus PC-12.
The LEP is a very detailed inspection which extends the life of an aircraft by several thousand hours. It requires the disassembly of the airframe enabling it to be evaluated and rebuilt to a similar condition as when it left the assembly line brand new.
The inspection is scheduled for a minimum of three months of maintenance time along with extensive assessment and engineering hours to research the aircrafts repair history.
“This is an all-encompassing Service Bulletin that requires a major tear-down inspection.”
Jody Harris, director of Aircraft Services at Western Aircraft said: “This is an all-encompassing Service Bulletin that requires a major tear-down inspection. Windows, landing gear, floors, interior, engines and more are removed so our engineers can look for wear and tear, corrosion or any other issues that may prove to be a problem. The entire aircraft and its systems are inspected in-depth and extensive Non Destructive Testing (NDT) is also part of the inspection process.”
During the LEP, many modifications and upgrades are also accomplished to bring the aircraft up-to-date with the product improvements that have become available since the PC-12 was first introduced.
ALSO READ: Western Aircraft is first service centre to sell 200 PC-12s
Western Aircraft joins Levaero Aviation in Canada as the only Pilatus authorised service centres in the world to have completed this task.