TRU Simulation Citation M2 full flight simulator receives CAAC qualification

TRU Simulation + Training announces that its Cessna Citation M2 Full-Flight Simulator (FFS) for the Civil Aviation Flight University of China (CAFUC) has successfully achieved Level D qualification from the Civil Aviation Administration of China (CAAC). This is the first Level D Citation M2 Full-Flight Simulator in operation outside of the United States.
“The success of the Cessna Citation M2 simulator program in China is the result of a long-standing relationship between the TRU and CAFUC teams,” said Jerry Messaris, vice president and general manager of TRU Simulation + Training. “TRU’s innovative and customized design, production and support, in addition to the collaboration with CAFUC on the installation and qualification process, ensured the highest quality training device.”
The Full-Flight Simulator, located at CAFUC’s training center in Guanghan City, China, supports the university’s fleet of four Citation M2 aircraft and expands the capabilities of the largest pilot training school in China. CAFUC’s fleet of Cessna aircraft also includes 159 Cessna Skyhawk pistons, the largest in China, and seven Cessna Citation CJ1/CJ1+ light jets.
Equipped with the latest Garmin G3000 avionics, the simulator features Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) aircraft parts throughout the cockpit, ensuring accurate representation of the Citation M2. TRU’s design incorporates the company’s third-generation control loading system that produces a highly realistic flight experience. The full-flight motion of the simulator integrates TRU’s REALCue system, utilizing an electric motion base with 60-inch-stroke actuators, while the visual system is equipped with high-definition projectors on a 200×40 degree display to create an immersive training environment. A robust, yet easy-to-use Instructor Operating Station (IOS) brings everything together to enhance the instructor’s ability to effectively manage the simulator operation.
The qualification of the M2 simulator marks one of the latest achievements for TRU. In April, TRU’s Full-Flight Simulator for the Cessna SkyCourier received Level D qualification from the FAA. Additional qualifications for other training devices are expected in 2022.