TAG Aviation Asia achieves IS-BAO Stage 3

TAG Aviation Asia has successfully achieved International Standard – Business Aircraft Operations (IS-BAO) Stage 3 certification, the highest recognised standard from the International Business Aviation Council (IBAC).
The Hong Kong-based operating centre also renewed its accreditation to the Wingman Wyvern safety program earlier in this year.
TAG Aviation Asia has demonstrated its compliance to the performance based IS-BAO code of best practice by meeting ‘base line’ requirements, with on-site third party audits that verify its crew members and staff are actively participating in the safety documentation and that the processes required in planning and conducting its operations are maintained. This achievement makes TAG Aviation Asia the first business jet operator to become Stage 3 accredited in the greater China region.
“Safety is one of the core values of TAG Aviation Asia and the entire team has worked very hard to achieve this distinguished accreditation.”
Carlos Gomez, CEO, TAG Aviation Asia said: “Safety is one of the core values of TAG Aviation Asia and the entire team has worked very hard to achieve this distinguished accreditation. It is an assurance to our customers of our on-going investment to achieve the highest possible safety standards and of our highly professional quality operating standards.”
Sonnie Bates, IS-BAO program director, International Business Aviation Council added: “We congratulate TAG Aviation Asia on achieving IS-BAO Stage 3 registration and joining the distinguished group of operators worldwide who have successfully earned this recognition.”