Sustainable business aviation: searching for 15 heroes

Corporate Jet Investor needs your help to select the most influential people in sustainable business aviation. We want to recognise the achievement of the men and women who are making practical progress towards reducing the carbon footprint of business aviation.
Our CJI Business Aviation Sustainability Power Players 2022 will highlight the contribution of 15 people who are helping to deliver progress in improving the environmental performance of our industry.
If you know someone who is making their mark in this challenging yet crucially important field, please nominate him or her here. Also please add a short description as to why you think your nominee deserves recognition and how he or she is helping to move the dial on sustainability standards in business aviation worldwide.
We are looking for sustainability heroes across the whole of business aviation. It could be a broker who has helped to pioneer carbon offsetting schemes, an operator or fuel distributor who is popularising the use of sustainable aviation fuel (SAF). Or an aviation business that is now, or is soon to become, carbon negative. Or perhaps you can think someone from a fuel producer or a legislator or other group or institution that deserves to be included in the list of the 15 most influential people in sustainable business aviation?
Whatever their industry, whatever their discipline, if you know people who are helping business aviation to become measurably more sustainable, please let us know here, and we will share 15 of those names with as many people as possible within business aviation and well beyond.
The first step is to compile (with your help) a long list of candidates. Next, with the help of our independent panel of leading industry insiders, we will reduce the long list to just 15 names of the men and women who are doing the most this year to promote sustainable business aviation. Thanks for taking part and helping sustainable business aviation face its carbon challenges and to win the credit it deserves.