Summer brings European bizav slowdown

According to the latest WINGX monthly flight activity report, the usual slowdown in business aviation in Europe showed its hand during August, with business jet activity falling by 2% versus the same period last year.
The downward trend was largely due to declines in flight activity in Germany, Switzerland and Turkey. Compared to August 2015, there were 750 fewer flights in Turkey, a 27% drop.
Growth was recorded in the UK and France during August, as well as smaller markets like Norway and Belgium. The biggest growth during the month was recorded in Ireland, up by 13%.
Movements at individual airports across Europe also slowed, especially at Nice, which saw an 8% slide in movements. Growth was however seen at smaller airport, including Stuttgart and Barcelona. Movements at all but three on the top 10 aircraft dropped, with only Farnborough, Rome Ciampino and Cannes not seeing drops in activity.
“The relapse in activity this month is linked mainly to private jet owners flying less, particularly from Russia and Turkey, and heavy jet activity in general fell sharply. There is no doubt some wariness of the elevated terrorist threat, reflected in markedly less activity at major airports, with Nice obviously affected. There is still some growth in Ultra-long range and Super Midsize segments, where aircraft order books are strongest. VLJ and certain turboprops are also continuing to increase activity, especially in Western Europe.” said Richard Koe, managing director, WINGX.